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abstract fun <K : JsAny> addEventListener(type: K, listener: (AbortSignal, ev: JsAny) -> JsAny, options: AddEventListenerOptions? = definedExternally)
abstract fun <K : JsAny> addEventListener(type: K, listener: (AbortSignal, ev: JsAny) -> JsAny, options: Boolean? = definedExternally)
abstract override fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: EventListener, options: AddEventListenerOptions?)
abstract override fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: EventListenerObject, options: AddEventListenerOptions?)
abstract override fun addEventListener(type: String, listener: EventListenerObject, options: Boolean?)
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abstract fun <K : JsAny> removeEventListener(type: K, listener: (AbortSignal, ev: JsAny) -> JsAny, options: EventListenerOptions? = definedExternally)
abstract fun <K : JsAny> removeEventListener(type: K, listener: (AbortSignal, ev: JsAny) -> JsAny, options: Boolean? = definedExternally)
abstract override fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener, options: EventListenerOptions?)
abstract override fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListenerObject, options: EventListenerOptions?)
abstract override fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListenerObject, options: Boolean?)