Package-level declarations
A collection of cache headers that Apollo's implementations of NormalizedCache respect.
A key/value collection which is sent with Record from a Operation to the NormalizedCache.
An CacheKeyGenerator is responsible for finding an id for a given object
The context in which an object is normalized.
A CacheResolver that resolves objects and list of objects and falls back to the default resolver for scalar fields. It is intended to simplify the usage of CacheResolver when no special handling is needed for scalar fields.
An interface for CacheResolver used to read the cache
A cache resolver that uses the parent to resolve fields.
A cache resolver that uses the cache date as an expiration date and expires past it
A CacheResolver that uses @fieldPolicy annotations to resolve fields and delegates to DefaultCacheResolver else
Memory (multiplatform) cache implementation based on recently used property (LRU).
A provider of Record for reading requests from cache.
A Factory used to construct an instance of a NormalizedCache configured with the custom scalar adapters set in ApolloClient.Builder#addCustomScalarAdapter(CustomScalarType, Adapter).
A cache resolver that uses the cache date as a receive date and expires after a fixed max age
A typealias for a type-unsafe Kotlin representation of a Record value. This typealias is mainly for internal documentation purposes and low-level manipulations and should generally be avoided in application code.
A CacheKeyGenerator that uses annotations to compute the id