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A list of Regex patterns for GraphQL enums that should be generated as Java classes.

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Whether to decapitalize fields (for instance FooBar ->fooBar). This is useful if your schema has fields starting with an uppercase as it may create name clashes with models that use PascalCase

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Whether to generate the com.apollographql.apollo.api.Fragment as well as response and variables adapters.

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Specifies which methods will be auto generated on operations, models, fragments and input objects.

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Whether to generate builders for java models

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Whether to generate fields as primitive types (int, double, boolean) instead of their boxed types (Integer, Double, Boolean) when possible.

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Whether to embed the query document in the com.apollographql.apollo.api.Operations. By default, this is true as it is needed to send the operations to the server. If performance/binary size is critical, and you are using persisted queries or a similar mechanism, disable this.

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The style to use for fields that are nullable in the Java generated code.

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The format to output for the operation manifest. Valid values are:

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abstract val packageName: String?

The package name for generated classes. Operations use the package name directly. Other classes like fragments and schema types use sub-packages to avoid name clashes:

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abstract val rootPackageName: String?

If non-null, get the package names from the normalized file paths and prepend rootPackageName

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The target language to use to generate the sources

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abstract val useSemanticNaming: Boolean?

When true, the operation class names are suffixed with their operation type like ('Query', 'Mutation' ot 'Subscription'). For an example, query getDroid { ... } GraphQL query generates the 'GetDroidQuery' class.