
abstract val operationIdGenerator: Property<OperationIdGenerator>

By default, Apollo uses Sha256 hashing algorithm to generate an ID for the query. To provide a custom ID generation logic, pass an instance that implements the OperationIdGenerator. How the ID is generated is indifferent to the compiler. It can be a hashing algorithm or generated by a backend.

Example Md5 hash generator:

import com.apollographql.apollo3.compiler.OperationIdGenerator

apollo {
  service("service") {
    operationIdGenerator = new OperationIdGenerator() {
      String apply(String operationDocument, String operationFilepath) {
        return operationDocument.md5()

       * Use this version override to indicate an update to the implementation.
       * This invalidates the current cache.
          String version = "v1"

Default value: OperationIdGenerator.Sha256