Package com.apollographql.apollo3.ast
An exception while converting to/from introspection
A GQLNode that has a description
The top level node in a GraphQL document. This can be a schema document or an executable document (or something else if need be)
A variable definition is very similar to an InputValue definition except it doesn't have a description
A variable that is inferred from its usages in fragments This is used to create executable fragments
A wrapper around a schema GQLDocument that ensures the GQLDocument is valid and caches some extra information. In particular, Schema:
The schema is invalid
Something went wrong while building the GraphQL AST, analyzing the schema, ...
A variable used in a GQLValue
Extra apollo specific definitions from<[version]>
Definitions from the spec
For a GQLValue used in input position, validate that it can be coerced to expectedType and coerce it at the same time.
For a GQLValue used in input position, validate that it can be coerced to expectedType and coerce it at the same time.
Infers the variables from a given fragment
The @link definition for bootstrapping
Parses the source to a GQLDocument, validating the syntax but not the contents of the document.
Parses the source to a List<GQLSelection>, validating the syntax but not the contents of the selections.
Parses the source to a GQLValue, validating the syntax but not the contents of the value.
Returns the raw type. The raw type is the GQLNamedType without any list/nonnull wrapper types
Parses the source to a List<GQLDefinition>, throwing on parsing or validation errors.
Validates the given document as an executable document.
Validate the given document as a schema: