Package com.apollographql.apollo3.api
This adapter is used to handle nullable fields when they are represented as Optional. null
is deserialized as Optional.Absent.
A GraphQL request to execute. Execution can be customized with executionContext
Represents a GraphQL response. GraphQL responses can be be partial responses so it is valid to have both data != null and errors
A boolean expression
A term that comes from a fragment type condition and that needs to be matched against __typename
A generic term in a BooleanExpression
A property delegate that stores the given property as it would be serialized in a Json This is needed in Data Builders because the serializer only work from Json
The Kotlin representation of a GraphQL argument
A compiled field from a GraphQL operation
A compiled inline fragment or fragment spread
The Kotlin representation of a GraphQL variable value
A wrapper around a MapAdapter> used to retrieve custom scalar adapters at runtime
A GraphQL scalar type that is mapped to a Kotlin. This is named "Custom" for historical reasons but is also used for builtin scalars
A replica of Apollo Android v2's CustomTypeAdapter, to ease migration from v2 to v3.
A replica of Apollo Android v2's CustomTypeValue, to ease migration from v2 to v3.
A FakeResolver that generates:
A default Upload that can upload from a wide variety of content
Represents an error response returned from the GraphQL server See
Provides fakes values for Data builders
Base interface for a fragment implementation. Fragments do not have variables per the GraphQL spec but they are inferred from arguments and used when reading the cache See for a proposal to add fragment arguments
A helper class to make it easier to build Maps from the java codegen
This file contains a list of Adapter for standard types
Represents a GraphQL operation (mutation, query or subscription).
PresentAdapter can only express something that's present. Absent values are handled outside of the adapter.
TODO v4: remove (see also CustomScalarType above
A replica of Apollo Android v2's ScalarTypeAdapters, to ease migration from v2 to v3.
Represents a GraphQL subscription.
Helper function for the JavaCodegen
Reads a GraphQL Json response like below to a ApolloResponse
writes a successful GraphQL Json response containing "data" to the given sink.
Reads a GraphQL Json response like below to a ApolloResponse
Returns all objects that implement type
Resolve all variables that may be contained inside value