Package-level declarations


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A collection of cache headers that Apollo's implementations of NormalizedCache respect.

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interface CacheData

Data read from the cache that can be represented as a JSON map.

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A key/value collection which is sent with Record from a Operation to the NormalizedCache.

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class CacheKey(val key: String)

A CacheKey identifies an object in the cache.

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An CacheKeyGenerator is responsible for finding an id for a given object

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class CacheKeyGeneratorContext(val field: CompiledField, val variables: Executable.Variables)

The context in which an object is normalized.

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A CacheResolver that resolves objects and list of objects and falls back to the default resolver for scalar fields. It is intended to simplify the usage of CacheResolver when no special handling is needed for scalar fields.

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interface CacheResolver

Controls how fields are resolved from the cache.

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A FieldKeyGenerator that generates field keys by excluding Relay connection types pagination arguments.

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A MetadataGenerator that generates metadata for Relay connection types. Collaborates with ConnectionRecordMerger to merge pages of a connection.

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A cache resolver that uses the parent to resolve fields.

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An EmbeddedFieldsProvider that returns the fields specified by the @typePolicy(embeddedFields: "...") directive.

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A FieldKeyGenerator that returns the field name with its arguments, excluding pagination arguments defined with the @fieldPolicy(forField: "...", paginationArgs: "...") directive.

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A RecordMerger that merges fields by replacing them with the incoming fields.

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class EmbeddedFieldsContext(val parentType: CompiledNamedType)
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A provider for fields whose value should be embedded in their Record, rather than being dereferenced during normalization.

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Default MetadataGenerator that returns empty metadata.

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A cache resolver that raises a cache miss if the field's received date is older than its max age (configurable via maxAgeProvider) or its expiration date has passed.

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class FieldKeyContext(val parentType: String, val field: CompiledField, val variables: Executable.Variables)

Context passed to the FieldKeyGenerator.getFieldKey method.

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A generator for field keys.

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A cache resolver that uses @fieldPolicy annotations to resolve fields and delegates to DefaultCacheResolver otherwise

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A convenience implementation of RecordMerger that simplifies the merging of Records by delegating to a FieldMerger.

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A provider that returns a single max age for all types.

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sealed interface MaxAge
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class MaxAgeContext(val fieldPath: List<CompiledField>)
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interface MaxAgeProvider
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class MemoryCache(nextCache: NormalizedCache? = null, maxSizeBytes: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, expireAfterMillis: Long = -1) : NormalizedCache

Memory (multiplatform) cache implementation based on recently used property (LRU).

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class MemoryCacheFactory @JvmOverloads constructor(maxSizeBytes: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, expireAfterMillis: Long = -1) : NormalizedCacheFactory
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A generator for arbitrary metadata associated with objects. For example, information about pagination can later be used to merge pages (see RecordMerger).

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class MetadataGeneratorContext(val field: CompiledField, val variables: Executable.Variables)

Additional context passed to the MetadataGenerator.metadataForObject method.

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A provider of Record for reading requests from cache.

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abstract class NormalizedCacheFactory

A Factory used to construct an instance of a NormalizedCache configured with the custom scalar adapters set in ApolloClient.Builder#addCustomScalarAdapter(ScalarType, CustomScalarAdapter).

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class Record(val key: String, val fields: Map<String, RecordValue>, val mutationId: Uuid? = null) : Map<String, Any?>

A normalized entry that corresponds to a response object. Object fields are stored if they are a GraphQL Scalars. If a field is a GraphQL Object a CacheKey will be stored instead.

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interface RecordMerger

A merger that merges incoming Records from the network with existing ones in the cache.

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typealias RecordValue = Any?

A typealias for a type-unsafe Kotlin representation of a Record value. This typealias is mainly for internal documentation purposes and low-level manipulations and should generally be avoided in application code.

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class ResolverContext(val field: CompiledField, val variables: Executable.Variables, val parent: Map<String, @JvmSuppressWildcards Any?>, val parentKey: String, val parentType: String, val cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders, val fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator, val path: List<CompiledField>)
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A provider that returns a max age based on schema coordinates. The given coordinates must be object/interface/union (e.g. MyType) or field (e.g. MyType.myField) coordinates.

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A CacheKeyGenerator that uses annotations to compute the id



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fun <D : Operation.Data> Operation<D>.normalize(data: D, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, cacheKeyGenerator: CacheKeyGenerator, metadataGenerator: MetadataGenerator = EmptyMetadataGenerator, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator, embeddedFieldsProvider: EmbeddedFieldsProvider = DefaultEmbeddedFieldsProvider): Map<String, Record>
fun <D : Executable.Data> Executable<D>.normalize(data: D, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, cacheKeyGenerator: CacheKeyGenerator, metadataGenerator: MetadataGenerator = EmptyMetadataGenerator, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator, embeddedFieldsProvider: EmbeddedFieldsProvider = DefaultEmbeddedFieldsProvider, rootKey: String): Map<String, Record>
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fun <D : Executable.Data> Executable<D>.readDataFromCache(customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, cache: ReadOnlyNormalizedCache, cacheResolver: CacheResolver, cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator): D
fun <D : Executable.Data> Executable<D>.readDataFromCache(cacheKey: CacheKey, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, cache: ReadOnlyNormalizedCache, cacheResolver: CacheResolver, cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator): D
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fun <D : Executable.Data> Executable<D>.readDataFromCacheInternal(cacheKey: CacheKey, cache: ReadOnlyNormalizedCache, cacheResolver: CacheResolver, cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders, variables: Executable.Variables, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator): CacheData
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fun <D : Executable.Data> CacheData.toData(adapter: Adapter<D>, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, variables: Executable.Variables): D
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fun Record.withDates(receivedDate: String?, expirationDate: String?): Record