
A provider that returns a max age based on schema coordinates. The given coordinates must be object/interface/union (e.g. MyType) or field (e.g. MyType.myField) coordinates.

The max age of a field is determined as follows:

  • If the field has a MaxAge.Duration max age, return it.

  • Else, if the field has a MaxAge.Inherit max age, return the max age of the parent field.

  • Else, if the field's type has a MaxAge.Duration max age, return it.

  • Else, if the field's type has a MaxAge.Inherit max age, return the max age of the parent field.

  • Else, if the field is a root field, or the field's type is composite, return the default max age.

  • Else, return the max age of the parent field.

Then the lowest of the field's max age and its parent field's max age is returned.


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constructor(maxAges: Map<String, MaxAge>, defaultMaxAge: Duration)


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open override fun getMaxAge(maxAgeContext: MaxAgeContext): Duration

Returns the max age for the given field.