
Creates a new NormalizedCacheFactory that uses a persistent cache based on Sqlite



: the name of the database or null for an in-memory database When not in memory, the database will be stored in a platform specific folder

  • on Android it will use Context.getDatabaseName

  • on MacOS, it will use "Application Support/databases/name"

  • on the JVM, it will use "System.getProperty("user.home")/.apollo" Default: "apollo.db"


: whether to store dates (receive dates or expiration dates) Once a database is created, this parameter cannot change Default: false


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expect constructor(driver: SqlDriver, withDates: Boolean = false)
expect constructor(name: String? = "apollo.db", withDates: Boolean = false)
constructor(url: String, properties: Properties = Properties(), withDates: Boolean = false)
constructor(name: String?, withDates: Boolean, baseDir: String?)
actual constructor(driver: SqlDriver, withDates: Boolean)
actual constructor(name: String?, withDates: Boolean)


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expect open override fun create(): NormalizedCache
actual open override fun create(): NormalizedCache