
Link copied to clipboard
object Companion

This duplicates some of what's in "builtins.graphqls" but it's easier to access


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abstract val children: List<GQLNode>

The children of this node.

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abstract val description: String?
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abstract val name: String
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Link copied to clipboard

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children

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Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
fun GQLTypeDefinition.isFieldNonNull(fieldName: String, schema: Schema? = null): Boolean
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Link copied to clipboard
fun GQLNode.toUtf8(indent: String = " "): String
fun GQLNode.toUtf8(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String = " ")
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Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun writeInternal(writer: SDLWriter)

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children