
class GQLDocument(val definitions: List<GQLDefinition>, val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?) : GQLNode

The top level node in a GraphQL document. This can be a schema document or an executable document (or something else if need be)

See parseAsGQLDocument for how to obtain a GQLDocument.


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constructor(definitions: List<GQLDefinition>, sourceLocation: SourceLocation?)


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object Companion


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open override val children: List<GQLDefinition>

The children of this node.

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open override val sourceLocation: SourceLocation?


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fun copy(definitions: List<GQLDefinition> = this.definitions, sourceLocation: SourceLocation? = this.sourceLocation): GQLDocument
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open override fun copyWithNewChildrenInternal(container: NodeContainer): GQLNode

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children

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Returns a "full schema" document. Full schema documents are for use by clients and other tools that need to know what features are supported by a given server. They include builtin directives and merge all type extensions

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Outputs a schema document to SDL. For executable documents, use toUtf8()

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fun GQLNode.toUtf8(indent: String = " "): String
fun GQLNode.toUtf8(sink: BufferedSink, indent: String = " ")
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Validates the given document as an executable document.

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Validate the given document as a schema:

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Add builtin definitions from the latest spec version to the GQLDocument

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open override fun writeInternal(writer: SDLWriter)

Internal-only. Copies this code using the given children