
constructor(start: Int, end: Int, line: Int, column: Int, filePath: String?)



the offset where the symbol starts, inclusive, starting at 0 Note that because the parser works on UTF16 Strings, the offset is in terms of UTF16 chars and not unicode Chars


the offset where the symbol ends, exclusive Because end is exclusive, you can use str.substring(start, end) to get the symbol text Note that because the parser works on UTF16 Strings, the offset is in terms of UTF16 chars and not unicode Chars


the line where the symbol starts, starting at 1


the column where the symbol starts, starting at 1 Note that because the parser works on UTF16 Strings, the column is in terms of UTF16 chars and not unicode Chars


The path to the document containing the node Might be null if the document origin is not known (parsing from a String for an example)