Apollo Kotlin Execution Help

Getting started

Apollo Kotlin Execution is a code-first GraphQL execution library.

Apollo Kotlin Execution:

  • Generates a GraphQL schema from your Kotlin code: write Kotlin, get a typesafe API.

  • Doesn't use reflection. Use it on the JVM and enjoy ultra-fast start times. Or use it with Kotlin native. Apollo Kotlin Execution is KMP-ready!

  • Supports custom scalars, subscriptions, persisted queries and everything in the current GraphQL draft.

  • Integrates with Ktor, http4k and Spring.

  • Supports Apollo Federation.

Under the hood, Apollo Kotlin Execution uses KSP to generate GraphQL resolvers and types from your Kotlin code.

Gradle configuration

Apollo Kotlin Execution comes with a Gradle plugin that:

  • Configures KSP:

    • Adds apollo-execution-processor to the KSP configuration.

    • Configure service & packageName KSP arguments.

  • Configures dependency resolution to align Apollo Kotlin Execution versions if none is specified.

  • Adds apolloCheckSchema and apolloDumpSchema tasks (see Monitoring the generated schema)

Configure your Gradle build:

// build.gradle.kts plugins { // Kotlin and KSP are required id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm").version(kotlinVersion) id("com.google.devtools.ksp").version(kspVersion) // Add the Apollo Kotlin Execution plugin id("com.apollographql.execution").version("0.1.0") } dependencies { // Add the runtime dependency implementation("com.apollographql.execution:apollo-execution-runtime") } // Configure codegen apolloExecution { service("service") { packageName = "com.example" } }

Disable KSP for tests (doc):


Define your root query

Write your root query class in a Query.kt file:

// @GraphQLQuery is the entry point for KSP processing @GraphQLQuery class Query { // Public functions become GraphQL fields // Kdoc comments become GraphQL descriptions // Kotlin parameters become GraphQL arguments /** * Greeting for name */ fun hello(name: String): String { return "Hello $name" } }

Run the codegen:

./gradlew kspKotlin # or if multiplatform ./gradlew kspCommonMainKotlinMetadata

Execute your query

The codegen generates a com.example.ServiceExecutableSchemaBuilder class that is the entry point to execute GraphQL requests:

val executableSchema = ServiceExecutableSchemaBuilder() .build()

Create a GraphQL request:

val request = GraphQLRequest.Builder() .document("{ hello(name: \"sample\") }") .build()

Execute the GraphQL request:

val response = executableSchema.execute( request, ExecutionContext.Empty ) println(response.data) // {hello=Hello sample}

Apollo Kotlin Execution supports objects, interfaces, unions, enum, input objects, deprecation, customizing names and descriptions and more.

See the Generating a schema page for more details.

Integrate with your favorite server library

Apollo Kotlin Execution comes with integrations for popular server libraries:

See the respective documentation for how to configure a server with an ExecutableSchema.

Last modified: 25 November 2024