To use federation, add the apollo-execution-subgraph artifact to your project:
dependencies {
// Add the federation dependency
The apollo-execution-subgraph artifact contains the @GraphQLKey annotation allowing you to define entities.
Defining entities
You can define an entity key using the @GraphQLKey annotation:
class Product(
val id: String,
val name: String
The @GraphQLKey annotation is translated at build time into a matching federation @key directive:
@key(fields: "id")
type Product {
id: String!,
name: String!
Auto-generated meta fields
Whenever a type containing a @GraphQLKey field is present, Apollo Kotlin Execution adds the federation subgraph fields, _service and _entities:
# an union containing all the federated types in the schema, constructed at build time
union _Entity = Product | ...
# coerced as a JSON object containing '__typename' and all the key fields.
scalar _Any
type _Service {
sdl: String!
extend type Query {
_entities(representations: [_Any!]!): [_Entity]!
_service: _Service!
Defining entity resolvers
In order to support the _entities field, federation requires a resolver that can resolve an entity from its key fields.
You can add one by defining a resolve function on the companion object:
class Product(
val id: String,
val name: String
) {
companion object {
fun resolve(id: String): Product {
return products.first { == id }
val products = listOf(
Product("1", "foo"),
Product("2", "bar")
Just like regular resolvers, the entity resolvers can be suspend and/or have an ExecutionContext parameter:
class Product(
val id: String,
val name: String
) {
companion object {
suspend fun resolve(executionContext: ExecutionContext, id: String): Product {
return executionContext.loader.getProdut(id)
Ftv1 records timing information for each field and reports that information to the router through the "ftv1" extension.
To enable federated tracing, configure your ExecutableSchema with a Ftv1Instrumentation and matching Ftv1Context:
// Install the Ftv1Instrumentation in the executable schema
val schema = ServiceExecutableSchemaBuilder()
// Create a new Ftv1Context() for each operation and use it through execution
val ftv1Context = Ftv1Context()
val response = schema.execute(request, ftv1Context)
// The information is a Base64 encoded protobuf message used by the router
val ftv1 = response.extensions.get("ftv1")
Sending the "ftv1" extension has some overhead and in real life scenarios, the router uses sampling to save network bandwidth.
This is done using the "apollo-federation-include-trace" HTTP header:
val ftv1Context = if (httpHeaders.get("apollo-federation-include-trace") == "ftv1") {
// The router required tracing information for this request
} else {
// No tracing information is required, skip processing
val response = schema.execute(request, ftv1Context)