Package-level declarations


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Base class for test queries. Note we can't make FooOperation extend both Query and Subscription because that confuses ApolloClient when deciding whant NetworkTransport to use.

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FooQuery is a query for tests that doesn't require codegen.

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FooSubscription is a query for tests that doesn't require codegen.

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class MockServerTest(val mockServer: MockServer, val apolloClient: ApolloClient, val scope: CoroutineScope)
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class MockServerWebSocketTest(val apolloClient: ApolloClient, mockServer: MockServer, val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope)


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expect val HostFileSystem: FileSystem

The host filesystem

actual val HostFileSystem: FileSystem

The host filesystem

actual val HostFileSystem: FileSystem
actual val HostFileSystem: FileSystem

The host filesystem

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actual val testsPath: String

The path to the "tests" directory. This assumes all tests are run from a predictable place relative to "tests" We need this for JS tests where the CWD is not properly set at the beginning of tests

actual val testsPath: String
actual val testsPath: String

The path to the "tests" directory. This assumes all tests are run from a predictable place relative to "tests" We need this for JS tests where the CWD is not properly set at the beginning of tests


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suspend fun <T> Channel<T>.assertNoElement(timeoutMillis: Long = 300)
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Extracts the operationId from a graphql-ws message, ignores "complete messages"

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suspend fun <T> Channel<T>.awaitElement(timeoutMillis: Long = 30000): T
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suspend fun WebsocketMockRequest.awaitSubscribe(timeout: Duration = 1.seconds, messagesToIgnore: Set<String> = emptySet()): String

Extracts the operationId from a graphql-ws message

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fun checkFile(actualText: String, path: String)

Checks that actualText matches the contents of the file at path

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fun cwd(): String
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fun <D : Operation.Data> MockServer.enqueue(operation: Operation<D>, data: D, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters = CustomScalarAdapters.Empty, delayMs: Long = 0)
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fun MockServer.enqueueData(data: Operation.Data, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters = CustomScalarAdapters.Empty, delayMillis: Long = 0, statusCode: Int = 200)
fun MockServer.enqueueData(data: Map<String, Any?>, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters = CustomScalarAdapters.Empty, delayMillis: Long = 0, statusCode: Int = 200)
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fun mockServerTest(skipDelays: Boolean = true, clientBuilder: ApolloClient.Builder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend MockServerTest.() -> Unit): ApolloTestResult

A convenience function that makes sure the MockServer and ApolloClient are properly closed at the end of the test

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