Package-level declarations


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actual fun currentThreadId(): String
expect fun currentThreadId(): String
actual fun currentThreadId(): String
actual fun currentThreadId(): String
actual fun currentThreadId(): String
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The current thread name ("main" for the main thread). Used for debugging.

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The current time as a human-readable String. Used for debugging.

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actual fun currentTimeMillis(): Long
expect fun currentTimeMillis(): Long
actual fun currentTimeMillis(): Long
actual fun currentTimeMillis(): Long
actual fun currentTimeMillis(): Long
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actual fun platform(): Platform
expect fun platform(): Platform

The current platform. This is used from tests because Double.toString() doesn't behave the same on JS and other platforms. Prefer more specific functions like assertMainThreadOnNative when possible instead of checking the platform.

actual fun platform(): Platform
actual fun platform(): Platform
actual fun platform(): Platform