
interface Adapter<T>

An Adapter is responsible for adapting scalars between their Json and Kotlin representations.

It is used to

  • deserialize network responses

  • serialize variables

  • normalize models into records that can be stored in cache

  • deserialize records

Note: Adapters are called from multiple threads and implementations must be thread safe.



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@JvmName(name = "-array")
inline fun <T> Adapter<T>.array(): Adapter<Array<T>>

Note that Arrays require their type to be known at compile time, so we construct an anonymous object with reference to function with reified type parameters as a workaround.

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@JvmName(name = "-catchToNull")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.catchToNull(): Adapter<T?>
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@JvmName(name = "-catchToResult")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.catchToResult(): Adapter<FieldResult<T>>
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@JvmName(name = "-errorAware")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.errorAware(): Adapter<T>
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abstract fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): T

Deserializes the given Json to the expected Kotlin type.

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@JvmName(name = "-list")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.list(): ListAdapter<T>
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@JvmName(name = "-nullable")
fun <T : Any> Adapter<T>.nullable(): NullableAdapter<T>
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@JvmName(name = "-obj")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.obj(buffered: Boolean = false): ObjectAdapter<T>
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@JvmName(name = "-optional")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.optional(): PresentAdapter<T>
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@JvmName(name = "-present")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.present(): PresentAdapter<T>
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abstract fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, value: T)

Serializes a Kotlin type into its equivalent Json representation.

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@JvmName(name = "-toJson")
fun <T> Adapter<T>.toJsonString(value: T, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters = CustomScalarAdapters.Empty, indent: String? = null): String