apollo-kotlin-normalized-cache-incubating Help


When using the normalized cache, objects are stored in records keyed by the object's id:


query Users { allUsers(groupId: 2) { id name } }


{ "data": { "allUsers": [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Smith" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Jane Doe" } ] } }

Normalized cache:

Cache Key



allUsers(groupId: 2): [ref(user:1), ref(user:2)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe

The app can watch the Users() query and update the UI with the whole list when the data changes.

However with pagination things become less obvious:


query UsersPage($page: Int!) { usersPage(groupId: 2, page: $page) { id name } }


{ "data": { "usersPage": [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Smith" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Jane Doe" } ] } }

Normalized cache:

Cache Key



usersPage(groupId: 2, page: 1): [ref(user:1), ref(user:2)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe

After fetching page 2, the cache will look like this:

Cache Key



usersPage(groupId: 2, page: 1): [ref(user:1), ref(user:2)], usersPage(groupId: 2, page: 2): [ref(user:3), ref(user:4)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe


id: 3, name: Peter Parker


id: 4, name: Bruce Wayne

Which query should the app watch to update the UI?

Watching UsersPage(page = 1) would only notify changes to the first page.

For the whole list to be reactive you'd need to watch the queries for each page, and update the corresponding segment of the list. While technically possible, this is cumbersome to implement.

You could skip watching altogether and only update the list when scrolling to its end, but that would mean that changes to individual items would not be reflected in the list UI.

What we need is having the whole list in a single record, so we can watch a single query.

Using ApolloStore

The cache can be updated manually using the ApolloStore class.

suspend fun fetchAndMergePage(nextPage: Int) { // 1. Get the current list from the cache val listQuery = UsersPageQuery(page = 1) val cacheResponse = apolloClient.query(listQuery).fetchPolicy(FetchPolicy.CacheOnly).execute() // 2. Fetch the next page from the network (don't update the cache yet) val networkResponse = apolloClient.query(UsersPageQuery(page = nextPage)).fetchPolicy(FetchPolicy.NetworkOnly).execute() // 3. Merge the next page with the current list val mergedList = cacheResponse.data.usersPage.items + networkResponse.data.usersPage.items val dataWithMergedList = networkResponse.data.copy( usersPage = networkResponse.data.usersPage.copy( items = mergedList ) ) // 4. Update the cache with the merged list val keys = apolloClient.apolloStore.writeOperation(operation = listQuery, operationData = dataWithMergedList) apolloClient.apolloStore.publish(keys) }

Note that in this simple example, we need to remember the last fetched page, so we can know which page to fetch next. This can be stored in shared preferences for instance. However in most cases the API can return a "page info" object containing the information needed to fetch the next page, and this can be stored in the cache with the rest of the data.

An example of doing this is available here.

Using the incubating pagination support

Relay-style pagination

Relay-style pagination is a common way of modeling pagination in GraphQL, where fields return Connections that contain a list of Edges:

type Query { usersConnection(first: Int = 10, after: String = null, last: Int = null, before: String = null): UserConnection! } type UserConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [UserEdge!]! } type PageInfo { hasNextPage: Boolean! hasPreviousPage: Boolean! startCursor: String endCursor: String } type UserEdge { cursor: String! node: User! } type User { id: ID! name: String! }
query UsersConnection($first: Int, $after: String, $last: Int, $before: String) { usersConnection(first: $first, after: $after, last: $last, before: $before) { edges { cursor node { name } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } }

If your schema uses this pagination style, the library supports it out of the box: use the connectionFields argument to specify the fields that return a connection:

extend type Query @typePolicy(connectionFields: "usersConnection")

In Kotlin configure the ApolloStore like this, using the generated Pagination object:

val apolloStore = ApolloStore( normalizedCacheFactory = cacheFactory, metadataGenerator = ConnectionMetadataGenerator(Pagination.connectionTypes), recordMerger = ConnectionRecordMerger )

Query UsersConnection() to fetch new pages and update the cache, and watch it to observe the full list.

An example of doing this is available here.

Other types of pagination

If your schema uses a different pagination style, you can still use the pagination support, with more configuration needed.

Pagination arguments

The @fieldPolicy directive has a paginationArgs argument that can be used to specify the arguments that should be omitted from the field key.

Going back to the example above with usersPage:

extend type Query @fieldPolicy(forField: "usersPage" paginationArgs: "page")

With that in place, after fetching the first page, the cache will look like this:

Cache Key



usersPage(groupId: 2): [ref(user:1), ref(user:2)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe

The field key no longer includes the page argument, which means watching UsersPage(page = 1) or any page will observe the same list.

Here's what happens when fetching the second page:

Cache Key



usersPage(groupId: 2): [ref(user:3), ref(user:4)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe


id: 3, name: Peter Parker


id: 4, name: Bruce Wayne

The field containing the first page was overwritten by the second page.

This is because the field key is now the same for all pages and the default merging strategy is to overwrite existing fields with the new value.

Record merging

To fix this we need to supply the store with a piece of code that can merge the lists in a sensible way. This is done by passing a RecordMerger to the ApolloStore constructor:

object MyFieldMerger : FieldRecordMerger.FieldMerger { override fun mergeFields(existing: FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo, incoming: FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo): FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo { val existingList = existing.value as List<*> val incomingList = incoming.value as List<*> val mergedList = existingList + incomingList return FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo( value = mergedList, metadata = emptyMap() ) } } val apolloStore = ApolloStore( normalizedCacheFactory = cacheFactory, recordMerger = FieldRecordMerger(MyFieldMerger), // Configure the store with the custom merger )

With this, the cache will be as expected after fetching the second page:

Cache Key



usersPage(groupId: 2): [ref(user:1), ref(user:2), ref(user:3), ref(user:4)]


id: 1, name: John Smith


id: 2, name: Jane Doe


id: 3, name: Peter Parker


id: 4, name: Bruce Wayne

The RecordMerger shown above is simplistic: it will always append new items to the end of the existing list. In a real app, we need to look at the contents of the incoming page and decide if and where to append / insert the items.

To do that it is usually necessary to have access to the arguments that were used to fetch the existing/incoming lists (e.g. the page number), to decide what to do with the new items. For instance if the existing list is for page 1 and the incoming one is for page 2, we should append.

Fields in records can have arbitrary metadata attached to them, in addition to their value. We'll use this to implement a more capable merging strategy.


Let's go back to the above example where Relay-style pagination is used.

Configure the paginationArgs as seen previously:

extend type Query @fieldPolicy(forField: "usersConnection" paginationArgs: "first,after,last,before")

Now let's store in the metadata of each UserConnection field the values of the before and after arguments of the field returning it, as well as the values of the first and last cursor in its list. This will allow us to insert new pages in the correct position later on.

This is done by passing a MetadataGenerator to the ApolloStore constructor:

class ConnectionMetadataGenerator : MetadataGenerator { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override fun metadataForObject(obj: ApolloJsonElement, context: MetadataGeneratorContext): Map<String, ApolloJsonElement> { if (context.field.type.rawType().name == "UserConnection") { obj as Map<String, ApolloJsonElement> val edges = obj["edges"] as List<Map<String, ApolloJsonElement>> val startCursor = edges.firstOrNull()?.get("cursor") as String? val endCursor = edges.lastOrNull()?.get("cursor") as String? return mapOf( "startCursor" to startCursor, "endCursor" to endCursor, "before" to context.argumentValue("before"), "after" to context.argumentValue("after"), ) } return emptyMap() } }

However, this cannot work yet.

Normalization will make the usersConnection field value be a reference to the UserConnection record, and not the actual connection. Because of this, we won't be able to access its metadata inside the RecordMerger implementation. Furthermore, the edges field value will be a list of references to the UserEdge records which will contain the item's list index in their cache key (e.g. usersConnection.edges.0, usersConnection.edges.1) which will break the merging logic.

Embedded fields

To remediate this, we can configure the cache to skip normalization for certain fields. When doing so, the value will be embedded directly into the record instead of being referenced.

This is done with the embeddedFields argument of the @typePolicy directive:

# Embed the value of the `usersConnection` field in the record extend type Query @typePolicy(embeddedFields: "usersConnection") # Embed the values of the `edges` field in the record extend type UserConnection @typePolicy(embeddedFields: "edges")

Now that we have the metadata and embedded fields in place, we can implement the RecordMerger (simplified for brevity):

object ConnectionFieldMerger : FieldRecordMerger.FieldMerger { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override fun mergeFields(existing: FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo, incoming: FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo): FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo { // Get existing field metadata val existingStartCursor = existing.metadata["startCursor"] val existingEndCursor = existing.metadata["endCursor"] // Get incoming field metadata val incomingBeforeArgument = incoming.metadata["before"] val incomingAfterArgument = incoming.metadata["after"] // Get the lists val existingList = (existing.value as Map<String, ApolloJsonElement>)["edges"] as List<*> val incomingList = (incoming.value as Map<String, ApolloJsonElement>)["edges"] as List<*> // Merge the lists val mergedList: List<*> = if (incomingAfterArgument == existingEndCursor) { // We received the next page: its `after` argument matches the last cursor of the existing list existingList + incomingList } else if (incomingBeforeArgument == existingStartCursor) { // We received the previous page: its `before` argument matches the first cursor of the existing list incomingList + existingList } else { // We received a list which is neither the previous nor the next page. // Handle this case by resetting the cache with this page incomingList } val mergedFieldValue = existing.value.toMutableMap() mergedFieldValue["edges"] = mergedList return FieldRecordMerger.FieldInfo( value = mergedFieldValue, metadata = mapOf() // Omitted for brevity ) } }

A full implementation of ConnectionFieldMerger can be found here.

Last modified: 04 October 2024