Package-level declarations


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interface ApolloStore

ApolloStore exposes a thread-safe api to access a com.apollographql.cache.normalized.api.NormalizedCache.

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class CacheInfo : ExecutionContext.Element
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class CacheMissLoggingInterceptor(log: (String) -> Unit) : ApolloInterceptor
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val ApolloClient.apolloStore: ApolloStore
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val CacheAndNetworkInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor

An interceptor that emits the response from the cache first, and then emits the response(s) from the network.

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val CacheFirstInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor

An interceptor that emits the response from the cache first, and if there was a cache miss, emits the response(s) from the network.

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val <D : Operation.Data> ApolloResponse<D>.cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders
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val <D : Operation.Data> ApolloResponse<D>.cacheInfo: CacheInfo?
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val CacheOnlyInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor

An interceptor that emits the response from the cache only.

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val <D : Operation.Data> ApolloResponse<D>.isFromCache: Boolean

True if this response comes from the cache, false if it comes from the network.

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val NetworkFirstInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor

An interceptor that emits the response(s) from the network first, and if there was a network error, emits the response from the cache.

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val NetworkOnlyInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor

An interceptor that emits the response(s) from the network only.

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const val VERSION: String


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fun ApolloStore(normalizedCacheFactory: NormalizedCacheFactory, cacheKeyGenerator: CacheKeyGenerator = TypePolicyCacheKeyGenerator, metadataGenerator: MetadataGenerator = EmptyMetadataGenerator, cacheResolver: CacheResolver = FieldPolicyCacheResolver, recordMerger: RecordMerger = DefaultRecordMerger, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator, embeddedFieldsProvider: EmbeddedFieldsProvider = DefaultEmbeddedFieldsProvider): ApolloStore
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fun <D : Operation.Data> ApolloResponse.Builder<D>.cacheHeaders(cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders): ApolloResponse.Builder<D>
fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.cacheHeaders(cacheHeaders: CacheHeaders): T
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.doNotStore(doNotStore: Boolean): T
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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v4_0_0)
fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.emitCacheMisses(emitCacheMisses: Boolean): MutableExecutionOptions<T>
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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_7_5)
fun <D : Query.Data> ApolloCall<D>.executeCacheAndNetwork(): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>>

Gets the result from the cache first and always fetch from the network. Use this to get an early cached result while also updating the network values.

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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.fetchPolicy(fetchPolicy: FetchPolicy): T

Sets the initial FetchPolicy This only has effects for queries. Mutations and subscriptions always use FetchPolicy.NetworkOnly

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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.fetchPolicyInterceptor(interceptor: ApolloInterceptor): T

Sets the initial FetchPolicy This only has effects for queries. Mutations and subscriptions always use FetchPolicy.NetworkOnly

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@JvmName(name = "-logCacheMisses")
fun ApolloClient.Builder.logCacheMisses(log: (String) -> Unit = { println(it) }): ApolloClient.Builder
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.maxStale(maxStale: Duration): T
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.memoryCacheOnly(memoryCacheOnly: Boolean): T
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@JvmName(name = "configureApolloClientBuilder2")
fun ApolloClient.Builder.normalizedCache(normalizedCacheFactory: NormalizedCacheFactory, cacheKeyGenerator: CacheKeyGenerator = TypePolicyCacheKeyGenerator, metadataGenerator: MetadataGenerator = EmptyMetadataGenerator, cacheResolver: CacheResolver = FieldPolicyCacheResolver, recordMerger: RecordMerger = DefaultRecordMerger, fieldKeyGenerator: FieldKeyGenerator = DefaultFieldKeyGenerator, embeddedFieldsProvider: EmbeddedFieldsProvider = DefaultEmbeddedFieldsProvider, writeToCacheAsynchronously: Boolean = false): ApolloClient.Builder

Configures an ApolloClient with a normalized cache.

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fun <D : Mutation.Data> ApolloCall<D>.optimisticUpdates(data: D): ApolloCall<D>

fun <D : Mutation.Data> ApolloRequest.Builder<D>.optimisticUpdates(data: D): ApolloRequest.Builder<D>

Sets the optimistic updates to write to the cache while a query is pending.

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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.refetchPolicy(fetchPolicy: FetchPolicy): T

Sets the FetchPolicy used when watching queries and a cache change has been published

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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.refetchPolicyInterceptor(interceptor: ApolloInterceptor): T

Sets the FetchPolicy used when watching queries and a cache change has been published

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fun ApolloStore, writeToCacheAsynchronously: Boolean = false): ApolloClient.Builder
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.storeExpirationDate(storeExpirationDate: Boolean): T
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.storePartialResponses(storePartialResponses: Boolean): T
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.storeReceiveDate(storeReceiveDate: Boolean): T
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fun <D : Query.Data> ApolloCall<D>.watch(): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>>

Gets initial response(s) then observes the cache for any changes.

fun <D : Query.Data> ApolloCall<D>.watch(data: D?): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>>

Observes the cache for the given data. Unlike watch, no initial request is executed on the network. The fetch policy set by fetchPolicy will be used.

@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v4_0_0)
fun <D : Query.Data> ApolloCall<D>.watch(fetchThrows: Boolean): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>>
@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v4_0_0)
fun <D : Query.Data> ApolloCall<D>.watch(fetchThrows: Boolean, refetchThrows: Boolean): Flow<ApolloResponse<D>>
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fun <T> MutableExecutionOptions<T>.writeToCacheAsynchronously(writeToCacheAsynchronously: Boolean): T