Apollo Kotlin Execution Help

Execution context

Kotlin functions may define an additional ExecutionContext parameter. This parameter is special and never exposed in GraphQL.



@GraphQLQuery class Query { fun viewer(context: ExecutionContext): User { // Do something with context return user } }
type Query { # this field has no arguments viewer: user }

ExecutionContext is a typesafe map inspired by CoroutinesContext. Define your own context by extending ExecutionContext.Element:

class CurrentUser(val id: String) : ExecutionContext.Element { override val key: ExecutionContext.Key<*> get() = Key companion object Key : ExecutionContext.Key<CurrentUser> }

And pass it to ExecutableSchema.execute():

// Get the current logged-in user val context = CurrentUser(getUserIdFromHttpHeaders()) val response = executableSchema.execute( GraphQLRequest.Builder() .document("{ viewer { name } }") .build(), context )

CurrentUser is now available in Query.viewer:

class Query { fun viewer(context: ExecutionContext): User { val id = context[CurrentUser]!!.id return userById(id) } }
Last modified: 16 July 2024